Sambal Lado Recipe
If you are an avid fan of Padang (West Sumatera) cuisines, then you must be familiar with Sambal Lado.
This flaming-red Sambal is extra spicy and does...
7 Vegetarian West Sumatera Dishes You Must Try
When we discuss about food from West Sumatera, Rendang and Nasi Padang probably will pop in our mind first, as these are the highlights...
Cultural Sensitivity Workshop: Easing your transition into Indonesia
India Club Jakarta and IndoIndians present a Workshop
Cultural Sensitivity – Easing your transition into Indonesia
An interactive workshop focusing on building awareness around culture; to...
Sambal Rica Recipe From Manado
Rica is a of the special Sambal from Manado, North Sulawesi. In Manadonese language, “rica” means “spicy” or “chilies”. It pretty much implies how...
The Surreal & Beautiful Kawah Putih
If you are looking for a stunningly beautiful place and scenery that you may not believe exists in Indonesia, then you need to visit...
Mystery Tour in Bandung
Bandung is a common weekend getaway destination for many Jakartans, with many attractions: culinary tours, shopping, or just enjoying the natural view of this...
7 Islands to Visit at Kepulauan Seribu
If you want to go to a beautiful beach but only have time during the weekend, Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands) is the place to...
Fun and Educational Playgrounds in Jakarta
Where do you usually go with your family during weekends in Jakarta? Is it one of the over 175 malls in Jakarta?
However, not all...