Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Wayang Batara Guru

Wayang – The Art Of Indonesian Shadow Puppets

Wayang or shadow puppets are inseparable from Indonesian culture. The process of making Wayang and the subsequent performance includes acting, singing, music, speech, literary, painting,...
ayam betutu kedewatan

Balinese Recipe: Ayam Betutu / Roast Chicken

This is a favorite on warung menus and is served with the famous Kedewatan nasi campur. The chicken is simmered with a pile of...
Pineapple Wine

DIY: Making Fresh Pineapple Wine at Home

Have you ever tried pineapple wine? Its is absolutely delicious. Here is a simple and effective method to make delicious pineapple wine at home. The...
health term

Health Terms in Bahasa Indonesia

  ENGLISH   INDONESIA HEALTH TERMS Angina Kejang Jantung Ankle Pergelangan Kaki Arm Lengan Asthma Sakit Bengek, Asma Back Punggung Back Bone Tulang Punggung Bladder Kandung Kemih Bleeding Perdarahan Blood Darah Bone Tulang Breast Buah Dada Bruise Luka Memar Burn Luka Bakar Broken Patah Catch Cold Masuk Angin Chest Dada Chicken Pox Caca (Air) Chills and Fever Panas Dingin Cholera Kholera Colic Mulas, Sakit Perut Constipation Sembelit Contagious Menular Cough Batuk Cramps Kejang Cut Luka Potong Diabetes Penyakit...
temple in jakarta

List of Hindu temples in Jakarta

These are few places of worship in Jakarta and outskirts of Jakarta. Gurudwara Sikh Temple Jl. Pasar Baru Timur No. 10, Jakarta Pusa, Phone :...

Land Of Opportunity

By Sunaina Anand: It is boom time in Indonesia. Buy a home now and reap rich rewards.The recent decline in prices has led to...

Kura-kura Resort

Located on a small, uninhabited tropical island in the Karimun Java archipelago in the Java Sea, 53 nautical miles off shore from the main...

Keraton Kaibon

Keraton Kaibon (Kaibon Palace) Jalan Mesjid Agung, Kroya Village Serang Jakarta 42191 Phone Number: +62 254 200 010 (Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Serang) Description: Keraton Kaibon lies about one kilometer from...