Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Bargaining hints

For many Indonesians bargaining is a way of life and getting a fair or cheap price is regarded as a challenge. Sometimes vendors name...
Hints: Staying Healthy in Jakarta

Hints: Staying Healthy in Jakarta

When coming to live in Jakarta for the first time most expatriates are concerned to know what health care facilities are available in the...
Hints: Paying Utility Bills

Hints: Paying Utility Bills

If you will be responsible for paying your own utility bills, please note the following hints regarding this process as it will differ, in...
Permits and Procedures for Living in Indonesia

Permits and Procedures for Living in Indonesia

Expatriates who wish to live and work in Indonesia need numerous documents issued by various Indonesian government departments. The procedures for obtaining all of...

Hints: Helping Children Settle In

An international move can be a very stressful experience for adults, and even more so for children who may be too young to understand...

Hints: Information for Newcomers

As a newcomer in Jakarta you need to find sources of useful information to help you find your way around and feel settled in...
Hints: Flood Mitigation

Hints: Flood Mitigation

Heavy downpours are the norm during Jakarta's wet season, which usually lasts from October to April. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...

Indonesia Hints: Habits and Idiosyncrasies

During your stay in Jakarta you are certain to come across some strange sights and baffling behavior. What seems strange or baffling to a...