Jamu: Traditional Indonesian Herbal Medicine
You will often see women wearing a kebaya and long batik skirt with a huge bamboo basket full of bottles of drink on her...
5 Stunning Places To Visit on the North Coast of Sikka...
The islands of East Nusa Tenggara are a true gem, boasting a stunning array of natural beauty, from pristine white sandy beaches and crystal-clear...
Discover the Best of Jakarta in Just 48 Hours: A Comprehensive...
As the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta is a bustling metropolis that offers a perfect blend of modernity and tradition. From towering skyscrapers to...
Indoindians Online Wellness Wednesday Monthly Event
Indoindians Online Wellness Wednesday Monthly Event
Indoindians online wellness events are held every month with experts from within the community to enhance holistic wellbeing. These...
Life is Back to Normal in Jakarta
After three long years, we can finally say that life is back to normal. The world has come a long way since the COVID-19...
Enjoy Lebaran Holiday in Nepal van Java Magelang
Idul Fitri holidays is the time to gather with family and relatives, as well as take vacations to interesting places. Some popular tourist destinations...
7 Tips for Dealing with Motion Sickness When Mudik for Lebaran
Mudik or annual mass homebound exodus is a tradition that is often carried out by the Muslim population in Indonesia ahead of Eid al-Fitr....
Ketupat: Traditional Indonesian Rice Cakes
Ketupat is a rice dish that's served on special occasions, most commonly Idul Fitri, Eid ul Adha and also on birthdays or weddings.
It’s a...