Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Fitness Tips : Carbohydrate Requirements

Fitness Tips : Carbohydrate Requirements

For all people that train, but in particular any athlete or fitness fanatic who is doing a reasonable volume (7-10 hours a week) of...
Indians in Indonesia

Indians in Indonesia

The Indian population in Indonesia, i.e., people of Indian origin including expatriates is 50,000/ (as per the embassy). The Expatriate Indians which are estimated to...
Culture - Like an Iceberg

Culture – Like an Iceberg

Culture is rather like an iceberg; you can see a little of it, in the same way that you can see how we behave...
Join the Indoindians Telegram Group

Join the Indoindians Telegram Group

Join the Indoindians Telegram Group for community support and communication. Fill the form below to get an add request to join the group This is...
Jakarta Rental Property Market

Jakarta Rental Property Market

Indonesia continues to maintain the interest of international investors due to its large population and thus potentially large consumer market. Several very large infrastructure...
Mixed Marriages - Indonesians and Expatriates

Mixed Marriages – Indonesians and Expatriates

There are many married couples in Indonesia where either the wife or husband is a foreigner and the spouse is Indonesian. Indonesian government regulations...
Indian Influence In Indonesian Culture

Indian Influence In Indonesian Culture

Dr. Edi Sedyawati, Director General of Culture, Indonesia, came to India to deliver a captivating lecture on Indian influence in Indonesian culture. The talk...
happy New Year 2022

10 #NewYearsEve Festivities You Can Do This Year

New Year’s Eve is almost here! If you are confused on what to do during the most festive night of the year, then we’ve...