Destination Indonesia
The islands of the Indonesian archipelago stretch almost 5000km (3100mi) from the Asian mainland into the Pacific Ocean. Richly endowed with natural resources and...
Gedung DUA8
Gedung DUA8
Jl. Kemang Utara No.28, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12730
Phone : 71792049
Fax : 71791419
e-mail :
website :
Open: Daily (except Mondays) at 10am-10pm. The reception...
Indians in RI: A touch of magic
It must be a touch of magic that has drawn Indians to Indonesia for two millennia. Indians have historically made the journey to Indonesia...
Indian Destination Wedding – Bali
Marriages are made in heaven and what better place to celebrate this relationship, but the Island of Gods Bali. Bali is now THE wedding...
Galeri Teguh
Jl. Gaharu I no.3, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan
tel no. 7656565
Offers art classes from Monday to Friday (except Wednesday) at 10.00-13.00 taught by the...
Indian Vegetarian Tiffin Service for Home / Office Delivery in Jakarta
is the only Pure North Indian Vegetarian Home Cooked Food with only Home/Office Delivery in Jakarta. We serve Snacks, Ala...
Indian Restaurants in Bali
The most enjoyable way to learn more about the Indian culture is through a gastronomic journey of Indian food. Indian food is a very...
Graha Bhakti Budaya
Graha Bhakti Budaya
Pusat Kesenian Jakarta Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jalan Cikini Raya 73
Jakarta 10330
Phone Number: +62 21 334 740; 315 4087; 337 325 extension 17