Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

#TechTips: 12 Apps for Expats in Jakarta: Tokopedia – Online Shopping

#TechTips: 12 Apps for Expats in Jakarta

Technology has evolved so much, that it has dominated our life. From a positive point of view, it means that technology has been so...
Meet Mrs. Anamika Bharti

Indoindians Online Event: Meet Mrs. Anamika Bharti

Mrs Anamika Bharti is wife of the current Indian Ambassador to Indonesia H.E Manoj K Bharti. She has a very warm and generous personality....

How to Manage Domestic Staff During the Pandemic

Hiring help or domestic staff is a common in Indonesia. They help with various chores and work like cleaning and cooking. Without their help,...

16 Restaurants and Cafes with Breathtaking City Views in Jakarta

Jakarta is a metropolitan city with tons of restaurants and cafes, that offer both delicious food and interesting themes. But for a taste of...

List of Vegetarian Home Catering Services in Jakarta

Becoming a vegan or vegetarian for the first time is not easy. There are only so many meals available that do not include beef,...
Guide to living in Jakarta

Indoindians Online Event: A Guide to Living in Jakarta

Whether you are a newcomer or a long time resident of Jakarta, life has changed with the pandemic. Join us on the 21st April! We...
Marvin Suwarso - Business and Executive Coach

Marvin Suwarso, Business and Executive Coach

Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur, a small business owner, or a corporate professional, you’d probably agree that sometimes, you need a little help. Other...
Orang Utan in Borneo

A Walk in the Borneo Jungle by Nivedita Mitra

A walk in the jungle... I had come directly from Mumbai to Borneo with all the aspects of city living in my consciousness. Jostling on...