Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Be positive

Be Positive

Namaskar friends, We have not experienced global disruptions of the severity we are witnessing today since World War 2. Governments have closed borders. Entire industries...

Things to do during Self-Quarantine/Social Distancing

Although you are at home due to the coronavirus outbreak in Indonesia, there are many ways to stay active and productive at home. Whether...
COVID Jakarta Helpline

COVID-19 Hotline and Hospitals in Jakarta

Pasien Virus Corona BEBAS BIAYA selama perawatan di rumah sakit, sesuai Keputusan MENTERI KESEHATAN Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/104/104/2020 ☎☎☎ HOTLINE VIRUS CORONA KEMENKES RI: 021-5210411 081212123119 ☎☎☎ HOTLINE PEMPROV DKI Jakarta: 112 119 081388376955 Here is ...
Simran Nanwani Creating Healthier Lives.

Simran Nanwani: Practicing and sharing holistic health

It was very refreshing to meet Simran Nanwani, a registered nutritionist. She graduated with an honors degree in Nutrition from the University of Leeds....

#Jamu: 3 Places to Get Jamu in Jakarta

Prevention is always better than cure. In this era of health risks, having a robust immune system is the key to health. A strong...
Amrit Lakhiani an entrepreneur with a green thumb

Amrit Lakhiani – An Entrepreneur with a Green Thumb

Meet Amrit Lakhiani, a young serial entrepreneur with ventures in finance, real estate and now hydroponic farming. Amrit earned his Bachelor Degree in Finance...
Top 10 finishers at the 5K Indoindians Holi Color Run 2020

A BIG Thank You to All Sponsors, Partners & Vendors of...

The Indoindians Holi Color Run owes its success to the support from all the sponsors, vendors, partners and friends - without whom this event...

#EventReport: Indoindians Holi Color Run!

Notwithstanding the fears of heavy rains and the health threat, over 4000 people participated in the Indoindians Holi Color Run on Sunday 1st March...