Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

#WheretoGo: Hiking Mountains in Indonesia

#WheretoGo: Hiking Mountains in Indonesia

The list of tourist attractions in Indonesia is never ending! This country has many beautiful beaches, exciting man-made amusement parks, lots of shopping centers, and a very rich...
Best of India KNITE 2019 included CSR support from Medisafe Technologies for Univ Dr Moestopo School of Dentistry in the form of medical gloves donation

Collaborative Mentoring at Best of India KNITE event

Collaborative Mentoring at Best of India KNITE event to help Indonesian students develop competencies for success in ASEAN markets Best of India KNITE (Knowledge-IT-Engineering) 2019...
Amol Titus wins Milestone Achievement Award

Amol Titus wins Milestone Achievement Award

Amol Titus wins Milestone Achievement Award for Youth Development for teaching and mentoring 10,000 Indonesian youth Most expatriates in Indonesia, especially Jakarta, spend their spare...
5 Waterfalls to Visit this Holiday

5 Waterfalls to Visit Near Jakarta

Are you planning a weekend getaway from Jakarta? If you haven’t planned yet, why don’t you take your family to a little adventure, while enjoying...
Raja Ampat Sunset

#WhatToDo at Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is an amazing destination. Many will make it an once-in-a-lifetime trip because of the remote location. The trip can be as luxurious or...
Raja Ampat: Unadulterated Natural Paradise

Raja Ampat: Unadulterated Natural Paradise

With greens and blues as far as the eye can see, located in the far-flung reaches of Papua, Indonesia, Raja Ampat is a place...
5 Public Libraries to Visit in Jakarta

6 Public Libraries to Visit in Jakarta

Jakarta is not only home for many shopping malls, outdoor tourist attractions, or fancy restaurants where you can spend your free time at. The...

Indoindians #HealthTalk: Breast Cancer Awareness

Indoindians collaborated with Siloam MRCCC Hospital for the 'Breast Cancer Awareness'  Health Talk. Eminent oncologists dr. Samuel Haryono SpB(K)Onk & dr. Denny Handoyo, SpRad.Onk...