Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.


Do you Dare to Try? 5 Extreme Foods in Indonesia

Indonesia is most known for their spicy, rich seasoning in almost all of their dishes. The rich variety of food it has is also...

#Whereto: 5 Places for Thrift Shopping in Indonesia

Many people like to go thrift shopping to get bargain deals of branded items. Sometimes, some of these items are export surplus, while the...
Are you addicted to online shopping?

4 Most Well-known Shopping Websites in Indonesia

In the past, shopping could only be done offline or in a store. These days, shopping online is the must do. If you have...

10 Awesome Tips for Thrift Shopping

In hindsight, thrift shopping may not be your cup of tea. It can be very tiring for whoever tries it for it takes both...
bubur sumsum

Savory & Sweet Bubur Sumsum Recipe

Although Indonesian desserts vary, there some ingredients that are mostly used in many dessert recipes. Bubur Sumsum is one of it, in which it...

6 #IndonesianMyths to Know Your Baby’s Gender

Pregnancy is a blessing at its finest. As you are waiting for the birth of your baby, why not check the gender of your...

Here are the 9 Most Popular Alternative Medicine in Indonesia

There are many ways to treat a disease, which do not always involve going to the doctor. In fact, there are numerous alternative medicine...

8 Important Facts About Indonesia’s New Capital City You Need to...

Jakarta has been the capital city of Indonesia for many years, and even before Indonesia's independence. However, the price of being capital city has...