Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Masakan padang indonesia

Top 5 Restaurants to Eat Padang Food

Amongst other cultural foods in Jakarta, Padang restaurants are some of the easiest to find. There will always be a Padang restaurant right around...

Sri Nilacala Dhama ISKCON Temple, Pasar Baru, Jakarta

Sri Nilacala Dhama Jl. Pasar Baru Selatan No. 7F, Jakarta Pusat Jakarta - Indonesia Email: Hare Krishna Hare Rama....Sri Nilacala Dhama (ISKCON Temple)is located in Pasar Baru...

How to Protect Yourself from Air Pollution in Jakarta

With the amount of air pollution that Jakarta has, it’s no surprise that the air is considered to be the unhealthiest in the world....
DIY Green Products Workshop with Rita Srivastava on 24th August

DIY Green Products Workshop with Rita Srivastava

Save money and go green:  A DIY workshop to make your own homemade GREEN Deodorant, Detergent and Mosquito Repellant with Rita Srivastava Workshop on 3...

5 Indonesian #TraditionalGames for Children

Outdoor games are what makes any childhood beautiful. It is said to have a multitude of benefits from enhancing learning ability, experience physical development, ...

Guide to Accommodation in Jakarta for Newcomers

If you are an expat, one of the most urgent tasks is to find a suitable place to live in. I suggest starting to...

7 Vet Hospitals and Clinics in Indonesia

Finding a good vet in Jakarta may seem like an impossible task. That is not the case, as there are plenty of vets all...
Where-to-go-7-Places to-Visi-in-Kediri-Simpang-Lima-Gumul-Monument

#Wheretogo: 7 Places to Visit in Kediri

Kediri, the third largest city in East Java is of great historical significance  as it was the seat of the Kediri kingdom. That would...