#Top3 #ThisWeek: Pay Taxes Online, Boba Tea Recipe & More About...
Jakarta is back to its normal state. Traffic and busy intersections are cropping up, along with pollution, crowded places and more! The city maybe...
The Correct Step-by-Step Order to Apply Makeup – All 15 steps
Makeup can do wonders for the looks and confidence for a person - it can freshen your face to increasing your sense of self...
Recommended Dog Food in Indonesia
Our pets including dogs need proper nutrition for a healthy life. It gives dogs energy, boosts immune system and prevents disease from taking over....
Why you should invest in a property in your 20s
Buying my first investment property at the age of 22 was one of the best decisions in my life; let me share with you...
#Top3 #ThisWeek: Indonesia’s New Capital City, Plogging and Recipe to Healthy...
Top 3 trends this week in Indonesia
Jakarta Travel Advice for Tourists!
Jakarta is a beautiful city of lights-with towering skyscrapers, lively nightlife and culture all mixed into one. It’s no wonder that the big durian...
Here are the Reasons You Get Sick After Vacation (and Ways...
Vacations are supposed to be a time to take a break and rejuvenate before going back to work. Unfortunately, most people tend to fall...
4 Indonesian Desserts Served Warm
During the cool rainy season, these desserts can warm you and make your taste buds happy!
Bubur Kacang Hijau
Bubur Kacang Hijau is an Indonesian sweet...