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#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 6: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 6: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose

Day 6 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose GOMUKHASANA- Cow-Face Pose Going into the asana:  - Slide your knees toward your center line, stacking the right knee directly over...
Indoindians Extraordinary Women Awardees 2021

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Announcing the Indoindians Extraordinary Women 2021 Awardees

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Announcing the Indoindians Extraordinary Women 2021 Awardees online here >> Namaste Friends, Drumroll...... Announcing the Indoindians Extraordinary Women 2021 Awardees This has been an...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 5: USTRASANA- Camel Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 5: USTRASANA- Camel Pose

Day 5 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: USTRASANA- Camel Pose USTRASANA- Camel Pose Going into the asana:  - Stand on your knees - Point your toes downwards - Put your hands on the...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 4: NATARAJA- Dancer Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 4: NATARAJA- Dancer Pose

Day 4 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: NATARAJA- Dancer Pose NATARAJA- Dancer Pose Going into the asana:  - Shift your weight onto the right foot. Bend your left knee to lift...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 3: SARVANGASANA- Shoulder Stand Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 3: SARVANGASANA- Shoulder Stand Pose

Day 3 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: SARVANGASANA- Shoulder Stand Pose SARVANGASANA- Shoulder Stand Pose Going into the asana:  - Lie on your back with hands by your side. - With one...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 2: VIRABHADRASANA III- Warrior III Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 2: VIRABHADRASANA III- Warrior III Pose

Day 2 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: VIRABHADRASANA III- Warrior III Pose VIRABHADRASANA III- Warrior III Pose Going into the asana:  - Begin standing in with your feet hip-distance apart and your...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 1: SETU BANDHA SARVANGASANA- Bridge Pose

#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 1: SETU BANDHA SARVANGASANA- Bridge Pose

Day 1 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: SETU BANDHA SARVANGASANA- Bridge Pose SETU BANDHA SARVANGASANA- Bridge Pose Going into the asana:  - Lie on your back with your knees bent and...
Indoindians Online Event: Cooking Shooking with Friends on 23rd June

Indoindians Online Event: Cooking Shooking with Friends Indonesian Food

We have had a lot of requests for Indonesian recipes and demo. So this time we have our friends Sari Bondan and Gaby Pribadi,...