News & Events

Indoindians News and Events. Come & Join Largest India Communities in Indonesia.

Meditation for Happiness

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Faster, Higher, Stronger…Happier?

Namaste, As we head into the excitement of Asian Games 2018 with every participating athlete straining to be Faster, Higher, Stronger, it is because the...
Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Celebrating Independence Day of India & Indonesia

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Celebrating Independence Day of India & Indonesia

Jai Hind & Selamat Hari Kemerdekan, Celebrating Independence Day of two great nations - India & Indonesia. 'For to be free is not merely to...
Indoindians Coffee Morning with Meelu

#IndoIndians Coffee Morning Report: The Power of Words on Body, Mind...

IndoIndians Coffee Morning: The Power of Words on Body, Mind and Wealth on Friday, 10th Aug 2018 was at Simpruk Teras Apartment. The speaker...

Dancing on streets in Jakarta: Poco-Poco Dance

Indian expat community too joined to create the record A spectacular ‘POCO POCO’ a traditional Indonesian dance, a dizzying array of 65,000 performers created...

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Its a Super Eventful August

It is an exciting month ahead chock a block full of interesting events, performances and Asian Games 2018! Also some discount tickets especially for...

Schedule & List of Indian Athletes at Asian Games 2018

As with the other Asian Games throughout the years, India is going to attend and compete for the 2018 Asian Games. It will be...

7 Most Anticipated Indian Athletes in the Asian Games 2018

Asian Games is a continental multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia. An international platform to win accolades and bring...
Child Reading Tips

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Learn New Skills in Jakarta

One of the best things about life is that we never have to stop learning. There are always new skills to learn and techniques...