Best Time of the Year to Visit Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat is one of Indonesia’s havens for foreign tourists. It is also one of the most beautiful destinations in Indonesia, famous for its...
Hindi Poem: बचपन के खेल खिलौने by Usha Rani Bansal
बचपन में हम इक्कड दुक्कड, सटापू,
गिल्ली डंडा, कंचे , गिट्टे , चूड़ी के टुकड़ों,
से खेलते थे।
छप्पन-छुपाई ,चोर - सिपाही ,खम्भा- खम्भा ,
मिल मिल कर...
Chili-Garlic Chicken Skewers
Try these easy-peasy Chili-Garlic Chicken Skewers as snacks with yogurt dip or to fill in pita breads with salad & hummus for a satisfying...
Barley-Squash Pilaf Recipe
Nutty pearl barley is lightly toasted and then simmered until just tender in a mix of chicken broth and chopped butternut squash, onion and...
Role of Technology in Delivering Superior Service
The refrigerator was on the blink and the ice had melted in the freezer. Visions of rotting, stinking food floated in front of my...
Fractured image effect – Photoshop CS6
Doner shoulder pork belly ball tip meatloaf flank leberkas pork chop pancetta tri-tip jowl tenderloin spare ribs filet mignon. Turducken brisket short loin ham...
Paan – Betel Leaf – Green Leaf That Cures
The usage of betel leaf is cited as far back as two thousand years. It was found a place in the most ancient Srilankan...
Fine Arts and Ceramics Museum
Fine Arts and Ceramics Museum
Jl. Pos Kota No. 2, West Jakarta
Telp : 690 7062
Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.