Celebrating 19 years of Indoindians.com

celebrating 19 years of Indoindians

Happy New Year and celebrating Indoindians 19th anniversary on 1st January. 2019!

We have come a long way since we started in 2000 with a mission to connect, support and engage the Indian Diaspora in Indonesia as well as Indonesians with an interest in India.

Indoindians  has become a leading source of news, information and social interaction with over 100,000 unique visitors every month and a growing engaged community, both online and offline.

Indoindians.com continues to be a social, not-for-profit initiative by PT Infotech Solutions to give back.

We invite you to step up to this endeavor by being Indoindians ambassadors, contributors and friends.

What the next year has in store for us is unknown but Indoindians is a key part of the community; going forward, we hope to continue engaging with our wider community with an increasingly varied and diverse range of online & offline activities.

Why celebrate 19 years online, you ask?

Number 19 is an extraordinary number. In ancient times, it was known as the Number of Surrender. It is the prime number that means it is only divisible by itself and number 1.

Number 19 possesses the combined vibrations of two numbers: 1 and 9. Number 1 is the first number in the counting and 9 denotes the last single number.

Number 1 vibrates the energies of uniqueness and independence. It also provides the power of motivation, progress, ambition, and striving forward. It shows that with new beginnings you will achieve success.

Number 9 represents the energies of the Universal Spiritual Laws. It also leads to the spiritual enlightenment, awakening, inspiration, serving humanity, and becoming a good example.

It promotes intuition and problem-solving ability. Overall, it is the sign of completion, an ending that will lead to the new beginning.

So here’s to new beginnings!

Thank you so much for being a part of this amazing journey and connection.

Poonam Sagar & Team Indoindians