Corporate and Life Coach – Harmeet Anand, ACC, MBA

    Harmeet Anand

    Harmeet is passionate about supporting leaders on their journey of leadership excellence and authenticity. As a leadership coach Harmeet helps people discover and connect with their personal inner foundation creating a springboard effect for them to deliver sustainable results in their communities.

    If you are transitioning into a new phase of life, a new role or in a new culture she is a go to person for support. She has experience working with people from various walks of life, supporting them as they find a new direction in life with ease. You can reach her on skype – harmeet.anand23 or her website

    Read her articles:

    Change is the only way of growing. It can be uncomfortable. Growing out of our preferred zones and boxes always is uncomfortable. But remember “CHANGE” is universe’s way of pushing us to “grow”, much like we re-pot a plant when its getting stunted in a smaller place into a a vast field. Read more >>