Easy Playdough Recipe to Make at Home


Among other toys, play dough is one of the toys that most children know and play with. Opening a fresh bottle of playdough is one of the best feelings in the world, as they are able to have fresh playdough to play with before it hardens. Luckily, you can make play dough on your own. Plus, it’s easy to make, takes a short amount of time and lasts longer than the store-bought play-dough! Try it out!

  • It’s easy to make
  • It will last for months if stored in a sealed container or bag
  • It’s inexpensive. Compare it to store bought dough and you are saving loads of cash.
  • The texture is divine. It’s soft, pliable, and fun to work with.

2 cups all purpose plain flour
2 tablespoons vegetable oil, baby oil or coconut oil work too
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 to 1.5 cups boiling water
gel food coloring (optional)
few drops glycerin

1. Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a large mixing bowl

2. Add food coloring TO the boiling water.

3. Mix in the concoction into the dry ingredients in increments

4. Stir continuously until it becomes a sticky, combined dough

5. Add the glycerin (optional)
6. Allow it to cool down then take it out of the bowl and knead it vigorously for a couple of minutes until all of the stickiness has gone and it’s the perfect consistency.

7. If it remains a little sticky then add a touch more flour until just right

This playdough is safe for children and adults.

If you have made this playdough, do share your experience in the comments below.