INDCHAM – Indian Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia

Indian Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia

INDCHAM, (Indian Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia) is an association of corporate entities and people having interests in promoting economic and business interest of Indonesia and India.

Established in 1978, INDCHAM’s constitution stipulates the following principles and objectives:


Spiritual, Moral and Material prosperity through mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation for the larger benefits of the people of Indonesia and India.

With a view to promote the development of economic relations between Indonesia and India, INDCHAM’s objectives are to:

  1. Assist existing joint ventures between the two countries in their legitimate plans and objectives and their relations with state and other agencies in both countries or elsewhere.
  2. Encourage the establishment of new joint ventures and for this purpose, identify prospective fields of collaboration and provide counselling services.
  3. Provide a contact and dissemination point for the promotion of trade and commerce and the development of greater commercial exchanges.
  4. Ensure a correspondence between the activities of the association and the outlook and objectives of the respective governments and for this purpose maintain close liaison and cordial relations with government agencies.
  5. Promote transfer of technology and for this purpose identify areas in which each can learn from the other, and to encourage dissemination of managerial and technical experience and know how.
  6. Keep in touch with social and cultural institutions in order to promote understanding, cooperation and friendship.


IndCham Secretariat

c/o. PT.Embee Plumbon Textile
TCC Batavia Tower One #801
Jl.KH.Mas Mansyur Kav.126
Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia
Phone : +62 21-29529456
Email  :
Contact Person : Lestari Ningsih