Event Report: Indoindians Parenting Workshop – The Five Love Languages of Children

Indoindians Parenting

Children need to feel loved to develop well and best succeed. If parents and their children speak different love languages, parents’ display of love may get lost in translation and affecting the children’s attitude, behavior, and development. So, what love languages that your children speak?

Today, Indoindians successfully held Indoindians Parenting Workshop – The Five Love Languages of Children. The workshop was facilitated by Shareen Ratnani, Co-founder and Director of Kiddie Planet who is also teacher trainer and parenting workshop presenter.

The workshop was attended by 20 participants; all of them are mothers coming from various backgrounds. They showed high enthusiasm in learning to speak the love language of children.

Prior to workshop, Shareen handed out a list of 30 affirmation words so the participants could understand the love language that they speak to their children and significant others. The workshop continued with the complete explanation and practice of the five love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, gift giving, acts of service, and physical touch.

Overall, the workshop was insightful and a great learning experience for all the mothers. Not only was the topic interesting, the participants also actively involved in the discussion.

Indoindians will continue to host other interesting workshops in the future. Stay tuned to our website and social media pages to know the latest news about Indoindians events.