Guide to Apple Types


Guide To Apple Types
These are just a few varieties of fall’s most famous crop.

Guide to Apple Types
: Yellow, crisp, sweet, good for cooking or eating. Pairs well with cheeses.


Guide to Apple Types
: Slightly tart, red, great for eating, okay for cooking.

Guide to Apple Types
Granny Smith
: Green, crunchy, sweet/tart, great for eating or cooking.Originally from Australia, now grown in America.
Guide to Apple Types : Crisp, red, good for eating, okay for cooking (except for use as baked apples), great for applesauce, does not store well.

Guide to Apple Types
Red Delicious
: Large, sweet, tender, can be mushy, better for eating than cooking.

Guide to Apple Types
Rome Beauty
: Tender, red, can be mealy, perfect for use as baked apples.