Happy Buddha Purnima – From Darkness to Light

Buddha Purnima - From darkness to Light

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Namaste friends,

Wishing you all a very Happy Buddha Purnima 2020 – Buddha means the one who
takes us from Darkness to Light, towards wisdom. Towards higher
consciousness towards mindfulness.
In continuation of the various online sessions do join:
Online Health Talk with Dr Rajesh Kalwani on Thursday, 7th May from 4pm
Introduction to Meditation with Shalini Matai on Saturday, 9th May from 4.30pm
Online Session with exceptional cooks ‘Cooking Shooking’ on Wednesday, 13th May from 3pm on Indoindians FB Live.

Mother’s Day is on Sunday, 10th May and an occasion to celebrate all maternal figures with love and respect.
Lots of interesting information in the newsletter including the updated  food delivery options in Jakarta. From stuffed parathas, chaat, Gujrati food, Aachaar and more here >>
A whole new food entrepreneurs tribe supporting us all as we shelter at
home amidst the pandemic.

Wishing you happiness and health,

Indoindians Team

Our online newsletter here>>