Healthy Egg Muffins by Kavita Kapoor

Healthy Egg Cups by Kavita Kapoor

Healthy  Egg Muffins is an an easy recipe, that anyone can cook.

The  humble omelette cooked in a fancy way with ingredients in your kitchen.

Absolutely nutritious and filling. Feel free to add or subtract ingredients .

These can be eaten on its own or accompanies with bread.


6 eggs

1 Small onion diced

2 green chillies cut finely (optional)

1/4 cup spinach cut fine

1 tbsp  grated cheddar cheese

1 tbsp cold milk

2 tbsp button mushrooms chopped

1 tbsp paprika sliced green and red

Salt and pepper to taste

Options: Chicken Salami /Cold cuts of your choice


  1. Heat the oven to 200 C
  2. Crack eggs in a big bowl .
  3. Add all the ingredients together. Add in salt and pepper.
  4. Whisk well so that the milk and cheese whisk well. This step is important .
  5. Pour into the muffin trays or small ramekins .
  6. Lower the oven temp to 160 C and bake for 7 to 10 mins , till cooked.

The eggs will be light and fluffy and risen like a cake.

Cooking time depends on your oven.

Option: Line the cupcake tray with a slice of bread .

Kavita Kapoor chocobakerRecipe generously shared by Kavita Kapoor.

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