Hints: Information for Newcomers



As a newcomer in Jakarta you need to find sources of useful information to help you find your way around and feel settled in your new environment. Here are some of the most useful resources :

If you have searched on line for information on Jakarta even before arriving here, you have probably found the Living in Indonesia website www.expat.or.id. This website has a huge amount of very detailed information that is invaluable to newcomers. It’s very easy to find your way around the site and get the information you are looking for and there is also a “What’s New” section to enable you to find out what has been added to the site since your last visit

Another very useful website for families with young children is: www.familyguidetojakarta.web.id. Monthly updates are sent to subscribers so that you can keep up to date with new facilities and changes of address, etc. “The Family Guide to Jakarta” (3rd edition 2008) is a book compiled by a dedicated group of expatriate and Indonesian mothers that calls itself “The Essential Companion for Families in Jakarta”. The book and this website contain a lot of very helpful information on all aspects of life in Jakarta with young children. It gives advice on where to buy things for children, schools, activities, birthday parties, health issues and even pregnancy and giving birth in Jakarta. The book is available at bookstores as well as some of the expatriate women’s organizations and all profits from the sale of the “Family Guide to Jakarta” benefit impoverished mothers and children in Indonesia through the programs of Yayasan Balita Sehat.

There are several very useful books that a newcomer to Jakarta should obtain as quickly as possible after arrival. The American Women’s Association’s “Jakarta Shopper’s Guide”, now in its 11th edition, is the most useful and detailed guide to products and services available in the city. It helps you to locate all those many things that you need to furnish your home and get established in your new life.

AWA has recently published the latest 9th edition of “Introducing Indonesia – A Guide to Expatriate Living”. This book is packed with useful information for newcomers. “Jakarta Shopper’s Guide” and “Introducing Indonesia”, as well as other AWA publications, are on sale at the AWA Center. Proceeds from the sale of AWA publications benefit needy Indonesians through the numerous charitable projects of the AWA.

The Indonesian Heritage Society is a group of over 700 members, both Indonesians and expatriates from more than 40 countries, dedicated to the study and enjoyment of Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage. They have several publications including “The Jakarta Explorer รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Cultural Tours In and Around the City” (4th edition 2009), a very detailed and informative guide to the fascinating city of Jakarta. This book can be purchased in bookstores or directly from the IHS Library located on the 17th Floor of Sentral Senayan I (next to Plaza Senayan).
Phone: 572 5870, website: www.heritagejkt.org.

Of course one of the best ways to get information is to talk to other expatriates already living here, and the best way to meet people is to join one of the women’s organizations such as the American Women’s Association (AWA) and the Australia & New Zealand Association (ANZA). Drop in to the AWA center any Monday morning and you will find many ladies who are happy to give you advice from their own firsthand experience. AWA offers many fun activities to suit all interests. Phone: 718 1877, website: www.awajakarta.org. ANZA holds a very popular coffee morning every Friday morning where you can meet ladies from many different countries.
Phone: 7179 3042, website: www.anzajakarta.net.

Specifically for newcomers the AWA organizes a Newcomers’ Coffee Morning or luncheon, usually held on the first Tuesday of the month. This is an opportunity for ladies who are new to Jakarta to meet with other newcomers and hear a very useful presentation by Colliers International. Colliers International also gives a presentation at ANZA’s Newcomers’ Luncheons held every 3 months. Topics covered include health issues, safety and security issues and domestic staff and participants receive a copy of Colliers International’s own very useful “Jakarta Orientation Guide”. If you would like to attend a Newcomers’ Coffee Morning or Luncheon please call AWA at 718 1877 or ANZA at 7179 3042 to confirm the dates and register.

Some newcomers are fortunate to have a personal Orientation with one of Colliers International’s Orientation Consultants, either on a look-see visit before deciding to take the posting or after arrival in Jakarta. Such an orientation provides the transferring expatriate and family with an overview of the quality of life that they will experience during their Jakarta posting. New expatriates and their families will be introduced to schools, services and facilities and will gain an immediate insight into the Jakarta lifestyle that would otherwise take months to accumulate.
Phone: 521 1400, website: www.colliers.co.id.


Provided by: Colliers International
