Homemade Orange Peel Facial Toner & Mist by Geeta Seth

Homemade Orange Peel and Mint Facial Toner by Geeta Seth

Here is a simple yet effective facial toner and face mist by nutritionist Geeta Seth, that can be made at home, using natural ingredients.


  • Orange peel from 2 oranges
  • Few mint leaves
  • Boiling water 1 cup
  • Keep in a spray bottle


Add orange peels and mint leaves to boiling water and let it steep for 2 hours. Then strain and pour in a spray bottle.

Spray 3 in times a day and do not pat the skin dry. Let it dry itself. After few minutes dab little moisturizer. Keeps the skin tight with a natural shine.

Another tip for tight and glowing skin
4 times a week before bath. Take one teaspoon of normal moisturizer. To it add few drops of coconut oil
Massage whole face and neck in upwards direction
For 7 to 8 minutes. To get good blood circulation
Few face yoga movements are also suggested
After 15 minutes take your regular bath
See the difference within a week

PS: Other than coconut oil other essential oils can be used too