Homeschooling: Tips, Tricks and Debunking Myths


A traditional classrooms is usually a group of children studying in a single room. Increasingly parents are are looking for child specific curriculum based on needs and aptitude to follow ‘Home schooling’, where education is imparted at home with parental guidance.  As home schooled children are rarer than those who study in conventional schools, there are many people who are misinformed about the facts. For this reason, we have compiled some interesting facts, tips and myths that need to be corrected:

1. Until the last century, children started school from the age of 12 years or older. Previously, most children were home schooled and taught by either tutors, governesses or their own parents.

2. There are many famous and accomplished people such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Graham Bell, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein, who were home schooled.

3. According to the book ‘Home-Spun Schools’ by Raymond and Dorothy Moore, homeschooled kids constantly score better than children who go to conventional schools. Flexibility in learning is one of the important aspects of homeschooling, so children are more likely to learn more materials in their pace.

4. Colleges are more likely to accept homeschooled children for many reasons. They tend to be more knowledgeable and social, but they are also reported to have lower problem behavior scores and have more positive self-concept. Not only that, but freedom in setting curriculum also allows parents to add courses that will increase their chances of getting into the desired college.

5. When they grew up, homeschoolers tend to be more knowledgeable and more sociable than their peers in conventional schools. This is proven by the higher percentage of adults who join community services and are members of an organization when they grew up. Many of them have even mentioned that being homeschooled allowed them to become more independent and assimilate into different levels of society.

6. Other than that, another research by Dr. Raymond Moore also found that none of the homeschooled adults were unemployed or on welfare.


Despite these facts, many myths persist on the disadvantages of homeschooling for children. As a result, many parents who are interested feel isolated and misinformed by these myths. Since most are not true, we have attempted to examine and debunk the most common myths:

Myth #1: Homeschooled Children are anti-social
This is simply untrue, as parents will try everything to expose children to many different types of environments. One of the advantages of homeschooling include a flexible schedule where children are able to explore more things in their environment than just being stuck in class.

Myth #2: Home schooled Children Can’t go to college
Many think that home schooled children can’t go to college because they are not educated enough for it. On the contrary, a flexible schedule allows them to study at their own pace which improves their learning ability. Home schooled children are even able to take college-level classes before they graduate high school.

Myth #3: They are unprepared for the real world
Contrary to this opinion, home schooled children can actually become more social and connected with their peers. During home schooling, children are not only expected to excel academically, but also excel in their character building. Their curriculum includes volunteering and joining clubs for hobbies, which is why they are able to empathize and become a more wholesome person.

Myth #4: They are left behind their peers’ progress
Presumably due to parents’ inability to teach, the children are suspected of being academically left behind compared to their peers who study at school. This is a false assumption, since many parents often remark that their homeschooled child actually studies and learns more materials than they did in the classroom. Other than being able to study at their own pace, the relaxed environment also allows them to study more materials than their peers do.

Myth #5: They are lazy and they only stay at home
Homeschooled parents actually urge their kids to pursue their passions and join local communities. As a result, they are more focused and active than children who study exclusively in classrooms.


Despite strong intention, many parents may be still unsure of home schooling due to the risks and various obstacles that may appear. To begin, follow these important steps by homeschooling parents so that you and your family will be more ready to start homeschooling.

Set goals
When you are homeschooling, it is important to set goals. This way, your child will be able to catch up with her peers that are in the same grade. It will also help you to create a more structured plan and achievable goals. You can divide it into two categories which are short term and long term goals.

Be patient on finding the learning approach
Homeschooling parents can have it tough since they both have to be a parent and teacher at the same time. Teaching your child is also a learning curve as you will experience trials and tribunals to understand their pace. Despite that, it is important to be patient and maintain an optimistic outlook to find their best learning approach as it can vastly improve their learning skills.

Start slowly
Rather than immediately studying numerous subjects on a daily basis, it will be better for your children to start slow. Begin by teaching them 1 subject a week, then add more as the weeks go. This way, they will not be overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge they receive and it will be easier for them to adjust to the pace.

Embrace their passions outside their home
While trying to improve their studies, it’s also important to pay attention to their character development. One of the way to do this is by embracing their passions and hobbies. Pay attention to local communities around the area as they can be the best places where your child can learn personal development.

Find a homeschooling community
Sometimes, some problems will arise that you may not be able to solve. For this reason, it will be useful to look for a local homeschooling community nearby your home. They will be able to help when you are having problems and will be a useful source of homeschooling study materials. Other than that, they also provide emotional support and motivations for distraught parents.

Find out the legal requirements
Since your child is not enrolled in a school, there will be plenty of legal requirements. Before you start homeschooling, find out these legal requirements so you will be able to prepare beforehand. If not, adjustment to homeschooling might be tough as they are different compared to normal schools.

Attend homeschooling conferences
As a teacher to your children, it is important for you to maintain and improve knowledge on their education. Homeschooling conferences will be very useful as they offer tips, and you may solve a problem by asking to one of the speakers or homeschooling experts present at the conference.

Author’s Note

Homeschooling tends to be tougher for the parents as they are responsible for creating curriculums and managing their children at the same time, however they give many educational benefits compared to students in traditional classrooms. It is important to remember that homeschooling or classroom-style learning are not necessarily the best for all children. Each child has different learning abilities, so what suits one child may not suit the other. In the end it is up to the parents to decide whether homeschooling is the best option for their children to pursue their education