How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer


Corona virus is spreading like wildfire across the globe. In Indonesia too we must all be careful as prevention is the key. For that reason, we must prepare by stocking up on face masks and hand sanitizers. Unfortunately, both of these items are hard to find. Make your own hand sanitizer at home for emergencies!


  • 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil or tea tree oil
  • 3 parts of isopropyl alcohol (99% rubbing alcohol)
  • 1 part of aloe vera gel
  • ¼ tsp vitamin E

Instructions to make it:

  1. Add in lavender or tea tree essential oil, and vitamin E into a bowl or small cup. Mix everything evenly.
  2. Next, mix in the alcohol.
  3. Finally, add in aloe vera gel in the concoction and mix evenly.
  4. Your hand sanitizer is done! After that, move the concoction to a small colored bottle to protect the essential oils in the solution. Even better, put the hand sanitizer in a spray bottle so it’s easier to use.