#Howto Make Salt Dough Ornaments


Christmas is almost here! It’s time to make a shopping list, setup the Christmas tree, as well as lay out the ornaments to decorate the tree. Make this holiday more joyous by making it a family affair, especially the act of decorating the Christmas tree, which the kids would love to do! This time, why not make this 3 ingredient salt dough ornaments to decorate your Christmas tree?


  1. 1/2 cup of salt
  2. 1/2 cup of water
  3. 1 cup flour

1. Mix all of the ingredients together, then form into a ball

2. Knead by hand for 5-7 minutes or until it becomes smooth like a playdough.

3. Roll your dough into a thin sheet

4. Either use a knife to create the shape you desire or get out your cookie cutter for a more concise shape.

5. Don’t forget to add a small hole at the top for hanging.

6. Now is the time for the kids to decorate to their heart’s content! Use stamps, hand prints, or anything else to add a touch of personality.


7. Place your ornaments on a cookie sheet and dry it out in the oven set to 200 degrees Fahrenheit for about 4 hours.

8. Once the dough is hard, add a string or yarn to hang on your tree.

9. You can also paint these in bright colors with acrylic paints.