India Club Jakarta, Indonesia



Menara Kuningan, 9th Floor, Unit D.
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X – 7, Kav 5
Jakarta Selatan
Tel. (62-21) 3001-5666
Fax (62-21) 3001-5667

Office Hours: 9 am to 5 pm, Days Open : Monday to Friday

Email: /

Contact persons:  Ibu Anas

Membership in the India Club: membership is open to men and women of Indian nationality. Current number of members : 650 Families. Cost of membership per year : IDR 750.000,- (Family), IDR 500.000 (single), Registration fee is IDR 100.000. Most activities are held in English.

History of India Club

Annual General Meeting 2017

The Annual General Meeting of India club Jakarta went smoothly. Thanks to everyone who attended the AGM held on Thursday evening 16th March 2017 at Ballroom Graha Mandiri, Jl Imam Bonjol.

We had a fantastic AGM on Thursday where we were able to tell our members about India club programs successfully completed in past 2 years. The 2015-16 Financial Report by treasurer and President Report is circulated and accepted by the members.

Thanks to India club committee (2015-16) for all your incredible work in these past couple of years, you all made wonderful contributions in India club programs.

Thanks to our sponsors, members, Indoindians, Indian embassy India in Indonesia (Embassy of India, Jakarta), Jnicc Jakarta and all the active clubs in Jakarta for their huge support & dedication in all India club events in 2015 & 2016 and we hope your continuous support for the period of 2017-2018 as well.

Based on AGM on 16th march 2017 and the new & old India club committee meeting on Monday march 20th the following committee members and office bearers were appointed to the club for the period of 2017-2018. Congratulation to the new India club committee.

India club committee 2017-2018

Rakesh Jain – President
CS Seshadri – Vice president
Shailendra Halbe- Secretary
Jaideep Bhattacharjee – Joint Secretary
Vinayak BS – Treasurer

Committee Members: –
Siddharth Sidharth Tekriwal
Poonam Sagar Indoindians Jakarta
Kanika Rajpurohitt
Rachna Rachna Bhatia Chellaram
Ajay Nahar
R Ramesh
Siddharth Taparia
Pramodh Ellath Pramodh
Rajesh Kelvalkar
Sankalp Jaithalia
Sarat Jain Sarat Jain