Indoindians Artist Spotlight: Jyoti Joshi

Indoindians Artist Spotlight Jyoti Joshi

Jyoti Prasanna Joshi is a post graduate in Computer Management from Pune University, India. She lived in Istanbul, Turkey for almost 16 years. After moving to Istanbul, she couldn’t work due to work permit restriction & language barrier. So she tried many things to keep herself active and busy. She was active in PTA body, helped in school library, did online psychology courses, joined IWI, India Association, ran an Indian kitchen & used to visit old age home for voluntary help. This gave her a vivid experience & also developed her interest in Turkish art & culture. Then she joined ISMEK, institute for learning Turkish art and really started enjoying it. Earlier her connection with art was limited to her school days only. At ISMEK she got an opportunity to learn Turkish Arts such as Ceramic Painting (Turkish Blue Pottery), Glass Painting & Tezhip (Turkish Illumination art). Her interaction with various budding Turkish artists developed interest & she became an amateur artists. She has exhibited some of her Turkish art work in ISMEK exhibitions in Istanbul, Turkey. After coming to Jakarta, she got involved in various art groups & actively sharing her art forms with members as well as learning new art forms from them.

View and buy Jyoti Joshi’s artworks below: