Indoindians Coffee Morning

    1st Indoindians Ambassadors coffee morning

    Indoindians Ambassadors coffee morning was a big success with enthusiastic participation.  Everyone introduced themselves and their interests, skills and talents. They shared experiences of living in Indonesia and the desire to give back to this wonderful country and make a difference to the community.

    It was a charged morning with our new ambassadors:

    who brainstormed on new ideas, suggestions and activities. So watch this space for lots of big news ahead. We are excited to share that IndoIndians will be diving into newer projects, campaigns and events to grow and bring the community closer. We will be creating a platform to showcase talent.

    Workshops, interest clubs, offline and online events, are a few things planned. We are open to doing so much more and give back to the society and the community. With all the big ideas and plans, all we need is you.
    Yes, YOU!

    If you would like to join this amazing group to make new friends and collaborate, then more details here.