Embassy of India & Indoindians: International Women’s Day on 8th March

Embassy of India & Indoindians International Women’s Day on 8th March

International Women’s Day 2024: Inspire Inclusion

Embassy of India and Indoindians aims to inspire, recognize, and celebrate the contributions of women, fostering a dialogue on how to further invest in women for a better future.

Date & Time: Friday, 8th March 2024 | 10.00 am – 1 pm
Venue: Embassy of India Auditorium, 27th Floor, GAMA Tower, Kuningan, Jakarta

Participation by Invitation and Registration only

The event features keynote speeches by

  • H.E. Sandeep Chakravorty, Ambassador of India to Indonesia,
  • Ibu Shinta Kamdani, CEO of Sintesa Group, and
  • Ibu Prita Kemal Ghani, Founder & CEO of LSPR.

The event will also host a panel discussion with past Extraordinary Women Awardees across various sectors, Shanthi Seshadari, Saraswathi Suresh, Rita Srivastava, Geetika Sainani, and Shanti Shamdasani.

This event aims to inspire, recognize, and celebrate the achievements of women. A special award ceremony will honor the Indoindians Extraordinary Women of 2024 who have made significant impacts on the community.

The event is open to all, with participation by invitation and registration only.

This event is supported by Embassy of India Indonesia, PT Infotech Solutions, PT Chairos and Indonesia India Business Forum.


10:30 am – 10:40 am: Welcome and Introduction

10:40 am – 10:50 am: Keynote by the Ambassador of India to Indonesia

10:50 am – 11:00 am: Keynote Ibu Shinta Kamdani

11:00 am – 11:10 am: Keynote by Ibu Prita Kemal Ghani

11:10 am – 12:00 noon: Panel Discussion with Indoindians Extraordinary Women 2024

12:00 noon – 12:30 pm: Extraordinary Women 2024 ceremony

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm: Networking, Lunch and Closing