Indoindians Event: Winners of Children’s Onsite Painting Competition 2018

Indoindians - India Club Children’s Painting Competition

Indoindians invited children 6yrs to 16 yrs to participate in our third painting competition to express their artistic impression on the topics

  1. Beautiful Green Indonesia
  2. State of Nature: Past, Present and Future
  3. The Amazing Underwater World

First Prize: Rp 1 million

Second prize: Rp 500,000/-

Finally, … are the winners for the Children’s Onsite Painting Competition:

Category 1: Age 6 yrs – 10 yrs

1st Prize Winner: Sahil Chowdhry (10 Years Old)

2nd Prize Winner: Riddhi Kothari (9 Years Old)

Honourable Mention: Anika Goel (10 Years Old)


Category 2: Age 11 yrs – 16 yrs

1st Prize Winner: Vedika Maheshwari (13 Years Old)

2nd Prize Winner: Kshitij Jain (11 Years Old)

Honourable Mention: Nidhi Jayaraman (15 years Old)


Individual awards for each category will be presented at the India Club Talent nite in Sept 2018:

First Prize: Rp 1 million

Second prize: Rp 500,000/-


We hope all the children had a wonderful time at the Indoindians onsite painting competition. The winners shall be announced on Indoindians website, FB and via personal email.

Prizes will be given out during the India Club Talent Nite in September.

Children are invited to join this on-site Painting competition. Participants must bring their own art supplies and the art paper will be provided at the site.

This event is in conjunction with Indian property expo and parents are invited to attend the expo and stay for lunch, sponsored by the Indian property expo.

 Date | Time: Sunday, 29th April, 2 pm to 4 pm after lunch ( sponsored by the Indian property expo)

 Venue: Ballroom, Hotel Manhattan, Kuningan, Jakarta

For more details call Dias at +6221-5228775 / +62 838-9876-7093


  1. All the works received in Children on-site Painting Competition, prize-winning or not, remain the property if the organizer which may use them for whatever purpose within its own activities. The organizer reserves the copyright.
  2. The grant of the above mentioned rights shall not entail an obligation to pay compensation to the participant.
  3. Each work should have only one author, collective works will not be accepted.
  4. The jury is composed of India Club Committee.
  5. The organizer reserves the right of final interpretation of any disputes arising from these rules and reserves the right to change the rules without prior notification.
  6. This competition is only for NRIs and PIO members of Indoindians