Indoindians Event – The Secret of Success with Ishan Shivanand


Ishan Shivanand is a spiritual phenom and innovator. Helping to make good people better. Raising human consciousness, productivity and performance. Transforming people – inside out!

Recently, Ishan has conducted mindfulness meditation programs at Google, Uber, Facebook, Microsoft and more.

Ishan’s talks and sessions are high energy events peppered with a healthy dose of light-hearted humor. Ishan makes meditation simple, enjoyable and fun. His meditation sessions are a beautiful, experiential introduction to our inner world where one can experience the deepest states of relaxation, peace and mindfulness.

We are indeed pleased to have this amazing opportunity  to learn the secret to success with the Acharya himself.

Date: Wednesday, 11th April
Time:  7pm – 9pm
Address: Multi purpose Hall, Peak residence Jl. Setiabudi Raya No.9, Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta 12910
Fee: Complimentary

limited to 50 seats only. Hurry!

Register today for Indoindians complimentary event here >>

The rapid advancement in technology and with it the evolution of entertainment platforms and information mediums around us has meant that our plate of preoccupations is full. There are a million virtual activities vying for our attention and so we have so much externalities to attend to with scant attention allocated to our own upkeep, maintenance and wellness.

This brings us to the moot question in this age of techno-attraction and techno-distraction, are we doing enough to relax, rest, heal, be at peace and have all our existential aspects in perfect harmony? Are we upgrading the software within us? Is the firmware of our own mind up to date? Is our internal system geared for most efficient discharge and delivery of the desired functions? And as a corollary of all this, are we being really productive to our optimum levels? Are we coming up with original, creative ideas to make our lives wonderful?

Just as our mobile requires a refill of its battery when the latter is discharged, our mind and our soul too require reinforcement of life force energy to work at an optimum level for adequate peace, happiness and creativity to flow from within us. We need a massage and spa for our mental and spiritual state of beings. The more Whats, Whens, Whys, Hows and Wheres is answered by Acharya Ishan Shivanand in his discourses, meditations and motivational talks.

About Acharya Ishan Shivanand

We are indeed Very priviledged to have with us right here in Jakarta ,Ishan Shivanand ( mentor, Coach, facilitator) for multinationals like facebook, Google, Boeing, Microsoft and many more.

Ishan Shivanand has changed the lives of many simply by attending his seminars. His Seminars are scientifically rich and empowering. Many have experienced a paradigm shift in their lives and never looked back.