Indoindians #HealthTalk: Breast Cancer Awareness


Indoindians collaborated with Siloam MRCCC Hospital for the ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’  Health Talk. Eminent oncologists dr. Samuel Haryono SpB(K)Onk & dr. Denny Handoyo, SpRad.Onk shared their knowledge on this disease. From all about cancer, signs, symptom and treatment options.

Two courageous cancer survivors Bunbun Guharoy and Sonia Taneja also shared their experience, tips and life lessons with the audience.

The talk started with the Director of the hospital, Dr. Dita, who hoped that the talk would be beneficial to all. “I hope that this health talk will benefit all of you and provide you with information for your sisters or daughters, as cancer can come at any time.”

Dr Dita's welcome address at Breast Cancer Awareness Talk
Dr Dita’s welcome address

The first speaker, Sonia Taneja is one of the cancer survivors who is generous to share her survival story with the audience. As with any sudden encounters with cancer, she was shocked with her diagnosis and asked to herself, ‘why me?’. She had no family history of breast cancer, ate healthy and regularly exercised.

Luckily, her family has a fair share of doctors that helped her make decisions to begin her cancer treatment and chemotherapy. Luckily after surgeries and oral chemotherapy, the cancer has almost left her body. Currently what keeps her in check is regular exercise, eating healthy with less carbs and getting a regular checkup annually.

She suggests others who may be suffering from breast cancer to ask for a second opinion and educate on what is the right move. Don’t go for a drastic surgery, instead ask for the pros and cons of having it.

Dr. Samuel Haryono, oncology surgeon covered everything from the psychological process the patient undergoes after finding out about their condition, to the steps done in order to cure the patient.

Bunbun Guharoy also that shared her experiences with having breast cancer. She was previously diagnosed with stage III malignant cancer, until she got better. In her case, the cancer came back years after. Although not completely well, she has taken oral chemotherapy to clear up remnants of cancer.

Because of her experience with cancer, there are some tips she shares to some people struggling with malignant cancer:

  • Eat clean with plenty of fruits and vegetables when going through chemotherapy.
  • Staying active and meditation are some of the things that you can do to minimize the stress.
  • Don’t forget to regularly check your condition and lymph nodes as regularly as possible.

At the end of her story, she emphasized, “Good health does not only come from medicine. Most of it comes from peace of mind, peace of the heart and comes from laughter and love.”

This session also includes a Q&A session, which was particularly long for there were a lot of participants who were curious about breast cancer.

Afterwards, another oncologist also helped participants to learn self examination steps for detection of early signs of breast cancer.

All in all, it was a successful seminar. Many were impressed with the information they got from the seminar.

Dr Samuel Haryono, Sonia Taneja, Poonam Sagar, Dr Dita and Dr Denny