Indoindians Newsletter: Selamat Hari Raya


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Namaste Friends,

Wishing you and your family a warm and blessed Hari Raya Lebaran, showered
with love and happiness!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri,
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin
Maaf Lahir dan Batin

This too shall pass” – that’s the mantra all of us have been reciting over the past many weeks.
The large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in Jakarta have been extended until June 4 by Governor Anies Baswedan, with all Jakartans urged to avoid going outside their homes, even during the upcoming Idul Fitri holiday, on Sunday.

Join the Indoindians online informative and useful sessions. Upcoming
events are:

  • Health Talk on any health related issues with Dr Rajesh Kalwani on Thursday, 21st May from 4pm. Register here >>
  • Share your book reviews and recommendations at Talking about Books with Gunjan Prasad on Friday, 22nd May from 4pm. Register here >>
  • Nutrition for Immunity with nutritionist, Geeta Seth on Wednesday, 27th May from 3pm. Register here>>

Wishing you good health and happiness,
from all of us at PT Infotech Solutions and

Indoindians weekly newsletter online here >>