Indoindians Newsmakers: Charles Hogg, National Coordinator of The Brahma Kumaris Australia

Indoindians Newsmakers Charles Hogg

Join Charles Hogg, National Coordinator (Chief Executive) of The Brahma Kumaris in Australia in conversation with host Poonam Sagar.

When: Thursday, 23rd June from 2pm Jkt

Join in the conversation >>

Where: Zoom id: 856 1836 6196
Passcode: calm


About Charles Hogg

Charles Hogg Brahma Kumaris AustraliaBrother Charlie is the National Coordinator (Chief Executive) of The Brahma Kumaris in Australia, and the Chairman of its Board of Directors. He is based in Sydney and regularly visits the 40 BK venues around Australia.

He is also an active member of the Brahma Kumaris international coordinating group, responsible for major international projects and the administrative direction of the organization’s global network of centers.

Brother Charlie grew up in Melbourne and was studying architecture at Melbourne University when he felt an inner urge to travel to follow his interest in culture and explore various spiritual philosophies. For more than three years he travelled through Asia, to the Middle East and Europe. During this time he lived in many communities including Buddhist, Christian, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, and Taoist, which led him to probe more deeply into questions about life and death, and transformation.

In 1975 Brother Charlie came across the Brahma Kumaris in London where he learnt meditation. After teacher training he returned to Australia in 1977 to open a BK Centre in Collingwood, Melbourne. In 1980 Charlie moved to Sydney and became the National Coordinator for The BKs in Australia. There are now 40 BK venues in Australia including three Retreat Centres, (1) on the Mornington Peninsula south of Melbourne (opened 1996);

(2) south of Sydney near Wollongong (opened 1999) and

(3) in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney (opened 2001),

and the new main Centre in Australia in Five Dock, Sydney, which also serves as the national and regional headquarters. Brother Charlie also travels regularly to BK Centers throughout the world, to speak at conferences, seminars, retreats and workshops.