Indoindians Online Event: All About Liver Health with Geeta Seth

Indoindians Online Event All About Healthy Liver

Are you always feeling tired or weak? Have loss of appetite and still feel heavy? Have pale and dull skin and eyes?
You might be suffering from an unhealthy liver.

Learn more about liver health with Geeta Seth
When: Tuesday, 26th April at 11am Jkt
Where: Online Zoom at

Our Liver being the second largest organ of our body, weighs 1500 grams and performs more than 500 chemical functions. It is mandatory to keep it in good condition. Let us learn more about liver health.

About Geeta Seth

Geeta Sethย is a qualified nutritionist and dietitian for the past 15 years. A two times gold medalist in the field of nutrition. She is also a qualified diabetes educator and diabetes pump trainer, specializing in the field of diabetes.ย She claims to have a normal blood glucose in diabetics with the right diet to avoid diabetes complications further.ย Also with the right carbohydrate counting for type 1 diabetics according to their dose she gives the accurate diet to achieve normal glucose in the blood. Geeta has worked for various health institutes and hospitals and till date she does not have a single failure in terms of patients.ย  As a speaker she has given nutritional services to various corporate institutes and schools.