Indoindians Online Event: Ayurveda Practices to Boost Immunity with Dr Shilpa Dhoka on July 28

Indoindians Ayurveda Workshop with Dr Shilpa Dhoka

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old medicine practice from India is centered around disease prevention and a holistic approach to caring for the body.

Join Indoindians Online Event: Ayurveda Practices to Boost Immunity with Dr Shilpa Dhoka on July 28 to learn the correct methodology.

These practices or Kriyas are ancient Ayurveda techniques which help cleanse the body.
They can improve energy levels, improve digestion, reduce common ailments and illnesses, and bring about better bodily awareness, to name a few benefits.

Dr. Shilpa Dhoka will be sharing information on
1. Neti– Sutra neti and Jala neti (nasal rinse)
‘Neti’ simply means the practice of cleansing the nasal passages with salted lukewarm water. Neti helps to relieve sinus problems, improve eyesight and counters environmental pollutants.

2. Nasya
The nose is the gateway into the head, the sinuses, and deeper into the lungs. The most common Nasya treatment includes the application of Ghee. This process allows for a smooth flow of oxygen and prana, eliminating any stagnation or blockages causing symptoms or discomfort.

3. Gundusha (oil pulling)
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice of Yogis, Sages for detox, healing, and rejuvenation of body. Now, it is considered a very simple, and safe healing therapy by itself.

4. Netra tarpan (eye rinse)
Eye cleansing process cleanses the eyes by removing external dust particle, body heat and secretions of the eyes that come in the way of normal movement of the eye lids that irritate the eyes. This process helps in having clear vision, reduces itching, eye strain and burning eyes. It cools the eyes and keeps fresh.

When: Tuesday, 28th July from 4pm Jakarta | 5pm Singapore | 2.30pm IST

Where: Online Zoom Event. Access details will be sent after registration

This will be a very useful session to learn these Ayurveda techniques to boost immunity and stay healthy.

About Shilpa Dhoka

A month of Ayurveda with Shilpa Dhoka
Ayurvedacharya Dr Shilpa Dhoka

Dr. Dhoka, consults globally and is trained in Ayurvedacharya and holistic wellness. She is certified and trained in rich traditions of Indian Ayurveda practices from the prestigious University of Mumbai, India.

She has successfully combined her training in Ayurveda with alternate healing practices for painless and healthier life. She treats a wide array of ailments which affects every day peaceful living given modern day life challenges of pollution, stress and increasing presence of harmful chemicals in the food chain. Ranging from common cold and flu, tonsillitis, acidity she also treats Allergy, Asthma, Digestive Disorders, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Skin disorders like Psorisis and Eczema, Type II diabetes, Menstrual disorders, PMS, Menopausal issues and Body detox amongst others.