Can we prevent heart attacks? Identify the risks before it’s too late! Learn from Dr. Saurabh Rastogi, Cardiologist in Singapore.
When: Sunday 25th Feb at 4pm Jkt | 5pm Sg
Where: Online Zoom>>
Meeting id: 824 7590 6705
Passcode: heart
This is a FREE health talk for benefit to all.
About Dr Saurabh Rastogi

Dr Saurabh Rastogi is a cardiologist at Gleneagles Hospital with Nobel Heart Centre. His subspecialty is in interventional cardiology for the treatment of coronary artery disease. He has practised medicine for more than 15 years. His clinical expertise includes complex coronary angioplasty/stenting, intracoronary imaging and hemodynamic assessment, and advanced heart failure management.
Prior to joining Gleneagles, Dr Rastogi practised at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. He was the former Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and lead initiatives to provide for timely care for heart attack patients. On joining NTFGH, at its inception, he streamlined operations and was the Clinician lead for the Heart Failure Program, Cardiac Rehabilitation Service and Noninvasive Diagnostic laboratory. Apart from his clinical duties he was engaged in Medical Student and Senior Resident teaching. He was the Associate program Director of NUHS Cardiology Senior Residency program.
Before moving to Singapore, Dr Rastogi practiced as a Consultant in Interventional Cardiology and Heart Failure in the greater Seattle area, USA. He is currently a visiting consultant at NTFGH and the National University Hospital