#Event Report & Recipes: Cooking Shooking Vrat Ka Khana

Indoindians Online Event Cooking Shooking Vrat Recipes

Special Recipes for Navratri Fast
Navratri is a time for festivities as well as fasting. Many communities across India restrict their diet during these nine days dedicated to Goddess Durga, eating only specified foods.

An interactive discussion on the Do’s & Don’ts of what to eat during the fasting days, facilitated by Jyoti Chawla

Although most people fast for spiritual purification at this time, there’s a scientific explanation to it as well. Navratri coincides with the changing seasons, a time when the body’s immunity is low and people are more likely to fall ill. Avoiding rich foods and detoxing with ingredients that are light, easy-to-digest and full of nutrients such as protein and fiber is the best way to prepare your body for the transition.

Featured cooks and recipes are:

  1. Seema Goel – Makhana Laddoo
  2. Geeta Taunk – Farari Handwo
  3. Geeta Seth – Pumpkin Spinach and Sabudana Soup
  4. Leela Kothari – Perfect Sabudana Vada & Appe