#EventReport: DIY Sanitizer & Shampoo Workshop with Rita Srivastava

DIY Sanitizer and Shampoo with Rita Srivastava

A DIY workshop to make your own homemade Hand Sanitizer and natural Shampoo with Rita Srivastava

workshop with Rita SrivastavaWorkshop on 2 home made products:

  1. Hand Sanitizer – No harsh chemicals, no environmental pollutants and it works. Just 3 ingredients and it is effective and gentle on your skin.
  2. Natural Shampoo with no harsh chemicals and just 2 natural plant seeds. With the ingredients provided, you can make a 500 ml of the shampoo. Natural ingredients have no side effects, are easily available and, more importantly, impart even better effects than your shampoos. Try this natural shampoos for gorgeous, healthy and strong hair.

Home-made Hand Sanitizer


  1. 300 ml 99% isopropyl alcohol ( Available on Tokped)
  2. 150 ml Natural Aloe Vera Gel ( Available on Tokped)
  3. 8 – 10 drops essential oil ( Available on Tokped)

Measure the alcohol into a beaker or glass tumbler. Add the aloe very gel and stir till homogeneous. Take care that the aloe vera does not sit at the bottom. When the two ingredients are completely mixed, add the essential oil of your choice and pour into a clean bottle preferably with a spray cap. Use to disinfect objects that are frequently touched.

Home-made Natural Shampoo


  1. 250 gm reetha/soapnut (Available on Tokped)
  2. 250 gm amla/buah malaka (Available on Tokped)

Soak the two ingredients in ¾ lt. water for at least 24 hrs. The longer it soaks the better. The next day boil the mix in the soaking water for 1 ½ hrs on a low flame. Check that the soapnut is soft enough to be squeezed by hand. If not boil for another half an hour adding another ¼ lt water. Allow to cool naturally. When cool mash the fruits with fingers or a masher. Remove the soapnut seeds from the mashed fruit and throw away. Strain the mix twice to remove all solid pieces. Fun fact : the solid residue is an excellent dishwasher – removes stains and grease like magic! The strained liquid is your amazing natural shampoo – cleans and shines hait, controls dandruff, adds volume, and even slows the greying of hair – don’t take my word for it – try it yourself!!

Hand Santizer and Shampoo made by participants

DIY workshop participantsAbout Rita Srivastava:

Make Your Own Homemade GREEN Deodorant & Detergent with Rita SrivastavaRita Srivastava a green thinker and advocate. She says ‘Separation of household waste, elimination of plastic, straw and Styrofoam, reduction of paper use, compost making, finding natural products for everyday use – these activities make me happiest. Being in Jakarta is specially challenging and there is so much work that can be done here.’

From separation of household waste, elimination of plastic, straw and styrofoam, reduction of paper use, compost making, finding natural products for everyday use – Rita has setup signposts to living a eco friendly life.