Indoindians Online Event: From Worrier to Warrior – Lessons from Bhagvad Gita

Indoindians Online Event: From Worrier to Warrior - Lessons from Bhagvad Gita

How you show up and fight the battles in life matters. So, do you feel like a warrior or a worrier?

Worriers fight themselves while warriors fight the problem.

Topic: From Worrier to Warrior
Speakers: Balaji Venkatesh and Surekha Kilpady
Key Takeaway: In a highly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous ( VUCA) World, it is crucial for us to gain an insight into the message of the scriptures and in particular to the Manual of life, the Bhagavad Gita.

About Bhagvad Gita Satsang in Jakarta

The Satsangs in Jakarta is based on various scriptures, including the Bhagavad Gita, Vivekachudamani among others. The emphasis is on practical tips for application in our daily lives.

Jai Shri Krishna
The satsang is a weekly discussion, not a discourse.
Likeminded people come together to present their perspectives on the Gita and other chosen scriptures.
The discussions are guided and anchored by a sadhaka who has been on the path for a while – another person like you just joined earlier!
The main and only purpose is to implement the teachings of the scriptures in our lives- slowly over a period of time.
The outcome is a more stable, peaceful and happy existence in the home and corporate environment.
The satsang has been in existence for over 40 years and spread across 13 countries.
Separate sessions are available for:
1. Children upto 13 years
2. Young adults : 13 to 18 years
3. Youth – 18 to 22
All our sessions are free, and currently Online
Interested? Call
For Adults -Balajiji +62 817-0199-963 Indiraji – +62 813-1135-7064 Vidyaji +62 817-5043-333 Prakashji – +62 811-873-561 Surekha – +62 816 1302196
For Balmuktas and Yuvamuktas – Indiraji – +62 813-1135-7064 Vidyaji +62 817-5043-333