Indoindians Online Event: International Women’s Day March 8th 2022 – Self-Care & Empowerment

Indoindians Online Event Flyer International Womens Day March 8th 2022 - Self-Care and Empowerment

Self-care is the means by which you show up as your best self in the world. It is a powerful tool that not only nourishes you, but also those around you. It is empowering!

When it comes to women, we have to get our life together first. Put on your own oxygen mask first. Figure out who you are. And then take care of everyone around you.

Taking time out to care for yourself can remind you and others that you and your needs are important, too. Feeling your best both physically and emotionally makes you more resilient and able to manage life’s daily stress in a positive way

You need to start with yourself! Join this fun and interactive session will explore the 4 pillars of self care and wellbeing:

  1. Physical health
  2. Emotional health
  3. Cognitive health
  4. Social health

Our Speakers:

Dr Varkha Lachman

Dr Varkha Lachman

Dr Varkha is a general practitioner at RSU Bunda Hospital. She graduated from ATMAJAYA University and has been practicing medicine since 1996. She also has a diploma in family medicine from Apollo Hospital India and is International member of Royal College of Physicians.
Dr Varkha has a Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine Dermatology from National University of Singapore and in 2018 acquired the Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Traveler’s Health.

Sonia C Lakhiani

Sonia Lakhiani Art of Living

Sonia is  Art of Living country coordinator Indonesia.

She has been teaching Art of Living courses and sahaj samadhi (effortless meditation) since 2001.

Sonia also conducts meditation retreats, conferences and organizes Bali Bliss International event in the presence of the Master His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar since 1999 until date.



Geeta Seth 

Geeta Seth is a qualified nutritionist and dietitian for the past 15 years. A two times gold medalist in the field of nutrition. She is also a qualified diabetes educator and diabetes pump trainer, specializing in the field of diabetes. She claims to have a normal blood glucose in diabetics with the right diet to avoid diabetes complications further. Also with the right carbohydrate counting for type 1 diabetics according to their dose she gives the accurate diet to achieve normal glucose in the blood. Geeta has worked for various health institutes and hospitals and till date she does not have a single failure in terms of patients.  As a speaker she has given nutritional services to various corporate institutes and schools.

Shareen Ratnani

Shareen Ratnani has been a passionate early childhood educator for over 20 years. She is a Montessori Consultant, licensed parenting coach, teacher trainer, workshop presenter and lifelong learner.

She has also conducted workshops on the 5 love languages with Indoindians and facilitated several other parenting and leadership workshops for parents and educators globally. She believes that you can only give to others what you have in your own cup.


Our facilitators taking this important conversation on self-care and empowerment for women are:

Jyoti Chawla

Jyoti Chawla

Jyoti Chawla is a Post graduate and MBA from Delhi University. With a professional career spanning over 16 years, ranging from teaching to training to Human Resources.
Traveling and living in various countries has been a blessing as it brought a different opportunity each time.
Her stay in Indonesia opened the world of creativity and exploration for me. Painting and ceramics were the two art forms that indulged during my stay in Jakarta.
Indonesia and Indoindians have been instrumental in a lot of things I did in Jakarta. Jointly hosted a couple of events and shows in the last few years, and enjoyed the experience.
Presently enjoying raising my twins and loving being a full-time mom.

Poonam Sagar

oonam Sagar - founder IndoindiansPoonam is also the founder, the successful community information hub for Indians in Indonesia.
She is Director, PT Infotech Solutions, an ICT company with a focus on niche broadcast media software solutions and ecommerce solutions for retailers.
A serial entrepreneur with special interest in emerging tech trends, digital media and healthtech. She has also been involved with several startups as the technology consultant.
She has three post graduate degrees in science, business and technology, and is an avid reader and blogger with a motto to Learn, Apply and Give Back.

About International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day 2022 is on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. This Day is celebrated across the world on the 8th of March every year. On International Women’s Day, the achievements of women for the progress and development of society are appreciated and their courage is admired globally. On this special day, women’s organizations raise a loud voice for the execution of women’s rights and their security.