#EventReport: Positive Parenting Techniques with Shareen Ratnani

Event Report: Positive Parenting Gems

Positive Parenting Techniques with Shareen Ratnani was a very informative and useful session for all attendees.

Positive parenting gems shared:

  1. Offer choices – It gives children more control over their decisions about their own behaviors
  2. Show & Tell – Our children become who we are, so be who you want them to be.
  3. Connect to correct – When children feel strongly connected to you ( They feel loved, valued and understood) They are simply more open to your influence.
  4. Teach emotion – It’s ok to feel. Learn the feeling words vocabulary
  5. Use i-message – An i-message tells a child how you feel about their behavior in a respectful manner.
  6. Use positive language -Use approximately 5 words with the most important word or words at the end.
  7. Enforceable statements – when we use enforceable statements instead we tell the children what we will allow rather than trying to tell them what to do.
  8. Consequences – natural and logical consequences of actions.
  9. Positive reinforcement.
  10. Consistency – be kind and firm. This provides the limits and boundaries for children that help them to integrate information into their brain and gain an understanding of how the world works.

This session is about:

  • Understanding misbehavior
  • Positive discipline strategies
  • Practical ideas to handle challenging behavior
  • Common examples of misbehavior
  • Questions & Answers

About Shareen Ratnani

Cofounder of Kiddie Planet, teacher trainer, workshop presenter and Parenting Coach

Shareen Ratnani, parenting coach and early childhood educator