Indoindians Online Event: Q & A on COVID Care and Management with Dr Sanjeev Bhoi, AIIMS

Q & A on COVID Care and Management with Dr Sanjeev Bhoi, AIIMS

Indoindians Online Event: Q & A on COVID Care and Management with Dr Sanjeev Bhoi, professor of emergency medicine at AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi).

Dr Bhoi was available for Q & A and shared lessons learned from India on COVID care and management that can be applied in Indonesia.

Conclusion – India’s 2nd wave:

1. Steep rise of cases in short span of time
2. Demand Supply mismatch
3. Younger people were most affected ( vs. 1st wave )
4. Breathlessness was seen more in 2nd wave
5. Higher rate of hospitalization and death in 2nd wave
6. Therefore a meticulous planning, execution of preparedness and surveillance is mandatory
7. Vaccination is key to blunt the waves ahead

Some notes:

1. Transmission happened within 10-15 min of contact, therefore masks / protection is necessary. Especially in a closed room

2. Delta variant might still be in the air for 1 hour, therefore double masks is important. It’s not easy to identify the variants.

3. For precaution, individual air conditioning room is better than centralised AC

4. Take ANY vaccines available as deterrent for serious symptoms

5. Take medicines or treatments ONLY under supervision of medical doctors ( incl. Ivermectin, CT Scan, Steroids etc )

6. Drink plenty of water and do breathing exercise

7. Do not panic as your mind controls your lung.

About Dr. Sanjeev Bhoi

Dr Sanjeev Bhoi – AIIMS

MD Additional Professor, Dept of Emergency Medicine at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

Dr. Bhoi graduated as a University gold medalist and is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine at the JPN Apex Trauma Centre. This centre is a part of the premier academic institute of India, which is the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). He has been on various scholarships from the Government of India, Israel and the US. He received the prestigious Micheal Moles fellowship from world association of disaster and emergency medicine(WADEM) at Victoria ,Canada ,2009 and he has been elected as Director ,board of directors of WADEM in May 2013.With his international reputation in Emergency care and trauma, Sanjeev shares his learning as a mentor in Emergency Medicine.

He is the Instructor for the ATLS® (Advanced Trauma Life Support) by American College of Surgeons, ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support), AHLS (Advanced Hazmat Life Support Course).He is trained in point of care ultrasound and has created AIIMS Ultrasound trauma life support course, AIIMS Emergency sonography course and recently he has started AIIMS Disaster Ultrasound program as program director. These courses are running across the country as well as Nepal, Sri Lanka and Iran. He was the organising secretary of 7th world congress of emergency and critical care ultrasound