Indoindians Online Wellness Wednesday Monthly Event
Indoindians online wellness events are held every month with experts from within the community to enhance holistic wellbeing. These sessions are diverse in approach as every aspect of life influences our state of wellbeing, and will cover topics that support our emotional, spiritual and mental health and more.
Zoom Sessions last for 30-45 minutes and they happen on the third Wednesday of every month. Events will be announced on our website, Facebook and Instagram channels
Our events are interactive. We kindly request that attendees have their cameras switched on to engage with the group experience (unless, of course, you have technical difficulties).
Please note that these sessions will be recorded and streamed LIVE on the Indoindians YouTube Channel.
Upcoming Events:
17th May: Nutrition for Health and Wellness with Geeta Seth and Dr Natasha
21st June: Harmony and Balance: Celebrating International Yoga Day
12th July: 5 love languages with Shareen Ratnani
16th Aug: Meditation with Art of Living