Indoindians Valentine’s Day Coffee Morning: The 5 Love Languages Workshop

Indoindians Coffee Morning on 5 love languages

When it comes to love, we often assume that others should show love the same way we do and if they don’t then we don’t feel loved.

The truth is that there are 5 love languages we all speak and everyone has a dominant love language.
This workshop will give practical suggestions for understanding how you give, receive and interpret love.

You will learn how to speak all the love languages and strengthen all your relationships, express respect and affection, with tips from the book by Gary Chapman.
So Join us this Valentines day and enjoy this fun, love filled workshop that will inspire you to enjoy better relationships with everyone you encounter. with Shareen Ratnani, our wonderful, vivacious and super knowledgeable speaker.

Details as below:

Venue: Function room, Somerset Apts, Kuningan

Date & Time: Thursday, 14 Feb from 11am to 1 pm

Fee: IDR 100,000/  (Tea & snacks will be served)

pay to BCA 2171560685 (Poonam Sagar)

Registration: Dias +6282210008272 (WA)

Shareen Ratnani


Facilitated by Shareen Ratnani, Cofounder of Kiddie Planet, teacher trainer, workshop presenter and Parenting Coach