Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Are smoothies healthy?

7 day green smoothie challenge

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Are smoothies healthy?

Namaste Friends,
With the easing of COVID restrictions, we have many in-person events in the pipeline. Do join our coffee morning and art workshop. Details below:

Upcoming Events:
Thurs 16th June at 2pm Jkt: Indoindians Newsmakers – Samit Ganguly, General Manager of The Westin Jakarta. LIVE on

Thurs 23rd June at 2pm Jkt: Indoindians Newsmakers – Charles Hogg, National Coordinator of The Brahma Kumaris Australia. LIVE on

Thurs 30th June at 10amIndoindians Coffee Morning – Learn to Wear Kain Batik with Gaby Pribadi. Register at

Fri 8th July at 10amIndoindians Workshop: Learn Warli Art with Eesha. Register at

Smoothies are thick, creamy beverages usually blended from purΓ©ed fruits, vegetables, juices, yogurt, nuts, seeds, and/or dairy or nondairy milk. A great way to incorporate more healthy foods into your diet.
That said, you don’t need smoothies, but they can be a delicious treat. Try making yours in your own unique way keeping the environment, your health, and your family’s wellness needs in mind.

7 Day Green Smoothie Challenge
7 Reasons Green Smoothies Rock
– 7 Amazing Green Smoothie Recipes for Green Smoothie Challenge
– Commonly Asked Questions about the 7 Day Green Smoothie Challenge
6 Smoothie Recipes for Anemia

Do download the NEW & IMPROVED Indoindians Mobile App, so you can access all the articles, event info and even our LIVE videos everywhere. Download today and do share feedback.

Warm regards,
Indoindians Team

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Are smoothies healthy?