Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Join Indoindians Extraordinary Women Awards Ceremony on 1st Aug

Indoindians Extraordinary Women Awardees 2021

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Join Indoindians Extraordinary Women Awards Ceremony on 1st Aug

Namaste Friends,


Celebrating the Indoindians Extraordinary Women 2021 Awardees Online

When: Sunday, 1st Aug from 4pm – 5pm Jkt
Where: Online Zoom. Register at

Awardees across 9 categories reflect diverse fields of expertise of Indian women living in Indonesia. They are role models and an inspiration.

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Many useful and informational articles in this edition of our newsletter.

Warm regards,

Indoindians Team

Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Join Indoindians Extraordinary Women Awards Ceremony on 1st Aug